Sunday, March 18, 2012

Italy - from Vision to Reality: Cloudy Vision

Italy - from Vision to Reality: Cloudy Vision: Buongiorno! Since we postponed our trip to Italy until next year, my vision became cloudy.  I have not been as compelled to listen to and ...

Cloudy Vision


Since we postponed our trip to Italy until next year, my vision became cloudy.  I have not been as compelled to listen to and practice my Italian language CDs, read other Italian blogs, or watch Italian food networks.

This morning, though, I opened and re-read my blog posts and some others that I have links to on my website. 
Love this one from Rebecca...Gnocchi Guruand I am inspired.

Does anyone know of a visual learning tool for learning Italian?  A book or flash cards?  Please post and let me know.  

Ciao!  Kathryn

p.s.  Family update - my mom is doing better today...she has been in the hospital or rehab all but 7 days since the middle of December.  I am grateful for the prayers and well wishes on her behalf.